Just over a year since moving back to Washington to work on the movie, I’m in Lafayette, Louisiana with Deep, the editor. Already I’ve enjoyed catfish, crawfish, and gumbo, seen a live Cajun band, and last night I even survived a true Southern Thunderstorm!
Since I’ve known Deep and his girlfriend Tabby (who did some casting in Los Angeles for us), I’ve heard lots of stories about Lafayette. In some ways it’s like checking out a live scrap book, where all around are landmarks that I’ve heard about in their stories but have only seen in my head – this is where Deep and Tabby met, this is where they used to hang out, this is where Deep hit his boss and got fired.
It may not sound like it, but we’re getting a lot of work done as well. As I type this we're working on the river scene. Editing was a bit overwhelming when we started out, but now that we’ve found a good rhythm and established a bit of a working schedule, it’s moving along nicely. If it weren’t for missing Kirsten back home, I’d be tempted to put off my return for a month or so just to hang out. I could get used to this!
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