Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Bragging Writes!

It hasn’t exactly been a secret, but I haven’t yet written anything about the most exciting development with our movie so far:

Justin Rice, star of Andrew Bujalski’s Mutual Appreciation and front man for Bishop Allen has agreed to play the lead in our little movie!

Thanks to a good friend, the esteemed Reed Jackson, I was able to get Justin a copy of the script. And guess what? He really dug it! We met in person for the first time when Bishop Allen played the Crocodile in Seattle several weeks ago.

To his roles as struggling musician (Mutual Appreciation) and struggling screenwriter (upcoming Let Them Chirp Awhile), he can now add… struggling writer.

If you haven’t yet seen Mutual Appreciation, you really owe it to yourself to check it out. It will make you a fan of both Justin and the director, Andrew Bujalski. If you haven’t yet heard Bishop Allen, you’re in luck! They’re on tour now.


Anonymous said...

Besides (occasionally) my mother, Mike Harring is the only person that esteems me.

Anonymous said...

He sometimes looks like Nicolas Cage to me! He was great in Mutual Appreciation. Yay!

bluescrubbie said...

Cool! Do you have a breakdown? Are you casting outside of Seattle?

Lynn Shelton said...

what a coup, mike! congrats. i liked him bunches in MA.

Mike Harring said...

Yay! Comments!

Lynn - I couldn't agree more! I'm extremely fortunate to have him aboard!

Colin - We're doing some casting outside of Seattle, but no male roles at this time. If that changes I'll be sure to post all the relevant info.

Tipper - ...You rock, Tipper!

Reed Jackson is esteemed by more people than he realizes. Only thing is, not all of them have the opportunity to announce this in public (or at least in front of the five people who read this).